The 4 Elements

Fire – Water – Air – Earth

These 4 Elements alone offer more than can be written as do each of the essences accompanying them, since all is governed and created within and through them (The Elements), as are we, the Song they ignite is that of unity of Nature in all its forms, material and ethereal, Sacred Space is created in there governance everything is created of them, everything is sacred, We are created of them, We are sacred, awaken that Song within us and the whole of life is a light and awake.


The Element Fire deals with Spirit and the Function of intuition, it brings with its warmth, inspiration, excitement, enthusiasm, energy, willpower, and ambition. There is an intensity in this essence that lifts one’s ability to project positivity, and exuberance and he ability to deal with intense, volatile and passionate times and situations, without taking toll.

Entering into the Realm or Kingdom of Fire the world of the Salamanders it stabilizes this element within us and grounds it in any environment we use it in, around the house, office, anywhere we wish it to be, can be used to hold the energy in place and combined with the other 3 Elements can be used to invigorate the body and create a sacred space.

The Universe is one I am one with the universe.

The Fire Council

The Reason, purpose of an ideal, the divine vision for of what has been said or created We are the one Race, Human passionate to Live enthusiastic to observe the Accord, we all win, we are in this together, and yes there is room for all. Coercion is not part of my Creed the World Logos we are here to remember who we are and in doing so help the Earth realize its evolution along the way. There is a connection with Divinity all things are born of it within it and through it, there is no separation Everything makes up The All. Here is the derivation of the word HEAL. To become one with t HEAL l once more. How did we become separate we willed it, so our separation is an action of will, divine beings were and are therefore our decision was to experience suffering, illness, struggle, Now as we re-connect with The All, we step out of the realm of suffering and accept that we are Divine in Creation and creating Divinely, Return to the Garden Of Eden, the Logos of the World.


The element Water is an element of Abundance and Home, friendship and relationships, the water Element accentuates the compassionate side, psychic ability, artistic pursuits, sensitivity and also has an influence intuition.

Water represents the subconscious mind. and emotions, tapping into these gives us insight into our motivations and our Power to create.

Family is a strong influence in the Water element as it deals primarily with the bonds that hold our lives in all facets together, Abundance, Hospitality, Laughter,

Happiness, this essence helps to strengthen these notions of life and purge the negative.

Working on the Emotional Body (2nd Layer) and the Higher aspect of Love (Love supports all our endeavors) the Brow, Heart and Sacral Chakras are influenced, clearing, strengthening, and organizing these bodies.

One enters into the Realm and Kingdom of the undines, (water Babies), the Element Water stabilizes and grounds the Element within and around us, and of course combined with the other 3 cleanses and invigorates the physical body and can be used to hold sacred ground.

The Water Family

We are all supported and Nurtured by the one Life, the one Love we are the Family of Man, will accept our difference as the Richness and Abundance of our creative ability. I am part of the whole, an integral link, I may be one, small, but I am an important part of the whole, we all come from the same place just different parts of that place. Difference is the celebration of the creativity of Life.

The World Family of Man.

This Essence helps one move out of the idea of limited opportunity and availability of the things in Life that nurture and support us. The world is abundant in resources and hospitality, love abounds, friendships and relationships. As we allow ourselves to allow this to settle into us, we feel Life is more rewarding.

Raising us above the mass view of limitation and condition.


These ESSENCES provide us with a Majestic view of life and our world, not merely of how things can be, but how they will be, where we are headed to, that place is in Existence, already alive within creation, we fill that space with our intentions towards one another, and the world we live in. Behold the future within the eyes of Nature this is how She looks upon us and here is Her Gift, a foot hold into a future that we are all striding passionately towards, the search and Journey end here, Welcome Home.


The Element Air deals with the function of Thought and Thinking, the way thoughts are ordered and patterned Air and the Intellect, it promotes clarity of Mind and thought and energizes the belief in one’s ability to put into action the desires and inspirations that are held within, it helps to organise the way to do.

Working on the Solar Plexus, (lower Mental Body), Throat Chakra, (higher Mental Body) and all systems associated with these, the feeling of new beginnings comes forward a sense of being able to tackle and succeed with new projects.

Words are the means of communication here, writing is assisted, feelings can be articulated. The lightness of Air helps us overcome, lower emotions, raising us up to see our way through them and even dissolve them.

Diet and appetite may be positively influenced as a result.

As with the other Elements when combined with the other 3, this combination can be used to hold sacred ground, and as the element itself strengthen and ground that element in the place that you are.

One enters the Realm and Kingdom of the Sylphs Apart from that combination, these first 3 when combined create the Holy Trinity, the 3-fold Flame of Ascension, Purification and Transmutation, the 3 Permanent Atoms of our Being are being worked on, Soul Body.

The Air Congress

We are unified by the one Breath, Boundaries, Borders, and Barriers, are forded with our common Respect for one another worldwide, and respect for the Sovereignty of individuals and nations and the ultimate aim of Peace to one and all.

Thoughts are not exempt from Karma, no action connected to personality is, I choose my words wisely as in my heart, so it is in my Mind.

World Thought, world Consciousness This Essence, helps us to recognize that the whole of this world is communicating with us and one another and that we are an integral part of that Communion, our commonality is understood, and the connectedness of all things begins to awaken within.

This Essence helps us rise above lower order thinking to help free our ability to conceive and create a life we dream of.


Practicality and action are the basis of this Essence, without this nothing can be achieved, Success at the Physical level work ethic, work capacity and willingness are joined together, inertia, is opposed, allows the fire our passion to express itself in us, in measured surety.

This element is the Synthesis of the other 3, However it holds at the same time the Energy of the Earth as well, harmonizing one to the environment they are in. Here the workings of the others are actionised, and all systems are worked upon, again the 3 permanent atoms are touched but in a different way.

This Essence works upon the Base Chakra, Heart Chakra, (as the Base Chakra cleanses and opens the chest expands) and Crown Chakra, Sandalphon.

At the atomic level this essence strengthens the vitality of minerals and develops courage and self-discipline. The potential within the things we work with can be seen and molded to our will.

Of course, combined with the other 3, sacred space, can be created and held.

The Earth Fellowship

We are Governed by the one Authority, that of Nature and accept our own in synch with that governance, we choose freely to accept Higher Authority as our way of life and fulfill our covenant as Stewards of this World and all of its parts and members.

Freedom is found by accepting responsibility, I am responsible for my actions, I choose I act, I am free. Freedom brings with it Power in the judicious use of Authority I Act Freely I am Powerful The Earth is a Living Sentient Being, full of Awe and Majesty no – one owns the worlds Resources they are Gracefully offered to us to use and in the manner that they are offered should they be used with Respect and free access to All.

World Home World Base, This Essence, helps us to meld with the World Crystal Grid Network, a fluent system of energy flow, our body’s feel more vigorous and stronger because energy enters and leaves more freely.

Associated to this is Prosperity, meaning is to go forward with Hope, along with that knowing that our needs are taken care of.